God’s Into The Details

Well it’s the weekend and I am sure we all have lots of things to catch up on such as cleaning, shopping, cooking (for those of you who like the kitchen), sleep, and many other things. These tasks are usually on a list of some sort so that we can keep track of what is … Continue reading God’s Into The Details

On Time God

Timing is everything. In a society where everything is fast paced, instant, and immediate, we often like to have our blessings given to us immediately as well. When they  don’t appear according to our timeline,  we assume that either we won’t ever get them or that we have to pray again for something different. Some times what we … Continue reading On Time God

Busy for Busy Sake

It has been a long time since I have written anything for my blog. I have been very busy with busy work. I have lots going on at work, lots of studying for school, trying to keep up and maintain relationships with family and friends, catching up on the latest television shows, and when all … Continue reading Busy for Busy Sake

Planting Seeds

It’s the start of a new year. All of the activities of the holidays are behind us and life as we know it is back to normal-at least for some. The beginning of the year is usually the time in which we reflect back to what was or wasn’t accomplished in the past year and … Continue reading Planting Seeds

Your Heart’s Desire

Sometimes our heart has a desire that is not the same desire that God has for our life. When we pursue that desire, we are in direct conflict with God and His purpose for us. We want what the soul knows it can’t have. The key is not spending time chasing our heart’s desire for … Continue reading Your Heart’s Desire